Your silence will kill you before a cigarette does

Why silence over violence is dangerous - The Hindu

Silence is no more a secret weapon!

As citizens of the world, ranging from teens to the patriarchs and to the geriatrics, we have seen things falling upside down. Be it a class assembly, where seeds of rebel were planted or be it the protests by concerned groups, we've witnessed it all. 

These activities, some infected with hate whilst some filled with valour and bravery have been happening for years immemorial. Why?

Rebel comes at a price; the price of your silence

After years of ruthless oppression and violence of some form, societies have fallen, leaders have been assassinated and democracies have been converted to oligarchies and more. In some region, this has led wide-scale massacres and on the other side, this has resulted in the birth of a fruitful country, a new vision of a better future, a better life.

But, after all these years, we are still fighting. If people in one city, state or country are living in peace, there are kids and women in other parts of the world crying for a grain of rice. 

Venezuela's refugee crisis needs a proper response | Financial Times

Venezuela's refugee crisis gets troublesome day by day

For families who have had their vacations in the Maldives, things are brilliant; life is great. For those oppressed in the towns and villages of Venezuela, life is cruel, miserable. Why? 

For those who are silent; are suppressed the most

The leaders, be it the Pope, the President or the Prime Ministers, they all have the powers and the capability to stop the wrong; to control the crime. But, they have failed, miserably. Why?

Recently, the Indian Government headed by Narendra Modi stated that they do not have any data on the death of the migrants who died during the Mass Exodus in the lockdown period. Union Ministry for Labour and Employment said, "No such data is maintained", and that the answer to the question on compensation "does not arise" since there is no data. 

Why this negligence? and why do we not say a word here?

Reliance and Amazon's big billion days

In a country, which is massively struck by a pandemic and protests on one side; and on the other hand, a businessman accounting for billions in his pocket. This discrimination and injustice. Why?

Amidst COVID: Battles between the Giants, Amazon vs Reliance

The doom of one society will eventually lead to the fall of a region and later fall of the world. History has been the witness of how the silence of the masses has bred more corrupt vultures on the top chair. 

Leave it to them and they will lead us to doom. Why? 

The voice of a group is only going to reach the ears of the controller. It is the voice of the masses, the society and the people who will reach their brains, their hearts. 

Fingers on the face can disturb them but a hand on the face can awake them 

More: Don't - Human approach towards one and all
                       Dystopia: It was, It is, It won't be


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